About Me

My name's John Sweeney, though I've taken to using 'Sarno' as an online moniker.

I live in Dublin, Ireland, and have done so for over 20 years. I was originally born in the United Kingdom, and I've lived in Europe my entire life.

For the better part of a decade, I have been on a journey of exploration as I learn about programming languages, frameworks, IDEs, and development principles (think: DRY, SOLID, Demeter's Law).

I am most knowledgeable on Python and JavaScript, and I am very interested in adding Go ("Golang") and Rust to that list. My current priority, however, is C#. My favourite frameworks are easily Vue and Nuxt, both for JavaScript, which feel incredibly modern and convenient.

This Blog

While adding comments to blog posts would be an interesting project, I don't have an interest in digging through a near-infinite number of spam comments looking for something written by an actual human. If you'd like to contact me for any reason, you're welcome to contact me at [email protected].

I don't expect many people (or, frankly, anyone at all) to be interested in my blog - I mostly created it as a fun project, with the secondary goal of using it occasionally to express thoughts on particular subject. Sometimes it's nice to articulate how you feel about something to help get it off your mind, with the bonus of being able to re-examine your thoughts at a later date.

This blog is made using Nuxt's Content module, and uses the Content Wind template by NuxtLabs CEO Sébastien Chopin.


The first computer I used was my grandfather's desktop, which I suspect was likely using Windows 95. I quickly developed an interest in it, and some of my first loves were 3D Pinball Space Cadet, Mozilla's Firefox (and its extensions), and Volition's Freespace 2.

I grew up using Windows almost exclusively, though nowadays I use macOS, Windows, and Linux regularly. I find all modern mainstream Operating Systems perfectly usable, but I have recently developed a preference for Apple's ecosystem.


You can email me at [email protected], or glance at my GitHub.

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